Tuesday, June 19, 2012

"Aren't You a Spanish Major?": How I Got Started On This Journey

When I told people I was going to Seoul, South Korea for the summer, I got a variety of reactions:

My mother: "What?! I thought you weren't leaving the country until next summer!"
My friends: "Wow! That's really cool! Bring back lots of pictures!"
My boyfriend: "Don't get lost!" (he knows me too well)
My adviser: "Oh my goodness! That's so exciting! What a wonderful opportunity! You'll love it!"

But that leaves out the reaction I got from most people:

"Wait...aren't you a Spanish major?"

     As a matter of fact...yes. I'm a Spanish Education major at a small liberal arts college. I like to dance and play piano and make things and read books and learn about the past. None of these hobbies, however, has much to do with Asia in general or South Korea in particular. So why will I be boarding a plane to South Korea in less than a week? Well, therein lies the tale.
     It all started back in February. I ended up having lunch with an upperclassman named Sarah. During the conversation, we ended up talking about what we had done over the summer. She mentioned a program that had allowed her to spend four weeks in Seoul, studying the culture and staying with Korean students. Huh, that sounds interesting was probably my only thought at the time. It sounded reasonably priced, and she seemed really excited about it, so I climbed to the third-floor Office of International Education to get some information.
     I got a brochure and started thinking about the trip. The more I read, the more it excited me. It seemed to fit my summer very well. Desired length of time? Check. Reasonable price? Check. Cultural immersion? Not quite...but the closest I could get without moving overseas long-term. I had prayed about visiting another country this summer, and the Bahrom International Program seemed like it might be the answer. Now to talk to my parents about the idea...
     They weren't exactly thrilled, I have to admit. I'm their baby and only daughter, so it makes sense that going abroad wasn't their first choice for my summer activity. But God definitely intervened and pointed in that direction (too long to talk about here). So I filled in the application, attached a check, and ordered my passport. And here I am, four days away from my trip.
     Although I'm a Spanish major, I do think this will be valuable for my future. Why? Because any experience in another country will broaden my horizons and make me more aware of other areas of the world. Because I want to stretch myself by experiencing new things. Because I want to go out on a limb and let God teach me. Because I'm ready for a new adventure. And I'd be thrilled if all of you joined me on my adventure through this blog!

Until next time,

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